Bomb cyclone?ð ðŠ (week 67)
HEYY!! We had a pretty eventful week. I love being a missionary, and I love my companions so much. We've laughed wayy too hard this week
Here are some updates!!
- we had THE CRAZIEST windstorm yesterday. We've had no power and no service for the last little bit. I hope I can find somewhere with service to get this email sent out today haha. But lots of places are shut down, there was like no food at the store today, and trees are everywhere. It was kinda scary last night because it was SO dark and we just kept hearing sirens. We're all good but its been an adventure for sure. Someone told us this morning that it was bomb cyclone? 

- ALSO on sunday the power went out at one of our church buildings but it was the primary program so they couldn't cancel it. They postponed it and totally made it work. All the kids held an electric candle so that we could see their faces, the isles were lit with electric candles, they used a little karaoke mic and there was a massive camping light someone brought that did a pretty good job at lighting the front. We had a linger longer after which was cold soup and salad
it turned out great and the power came back on right as we were cleaning up haha

- finally got in contact with one of our friends!! She lives on a boat whaaat. We had an AWESOME lesson with her, she's had a hard life and genuinely wants to find more joy. Pray for Miriah please!!

- saw some pretty views of the city this week 

- Elder Guardado wrote up on the board "relife sisitey event". Relief society is a hard one to spell hahaha we were dying
- its getting COLD 

- we're having a hard time finding people that are willing to keep commitments, so when we find one it's the biggest miracle!
️ saw some of those this week

- had the most awkward lesson of my life
it ended up being fine just soooo awkward

I've been studying a lot about charity this week!! I have had so many experiences on my mission that have taught me about charity and love. I'm forever grateful for those
my fav verses about charity in the book of mormon are Moroni 7:45-48, go give it a read

"Charity never faileth"

I LOVE YOU ALLL!!! Talk to ya next week :))
- Sister Bell
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