"Taco Bell is fireee" 🔥 (week 54)

 HEY! This week was crazy busy but we saw so many miracles!!

Highlights yayay!

- OUR FRIEND PAULA!! We taught her the word of wisdom and as soon as she found out she couldn't be smoking and drinking coffee to be baptized she has just dropped everything. She has gone from smoking multiple packs to 1 cigarette a day and has given away all her coffee she had just bought. It is SO cool watching her sacrifice so much for Jesus Christ. She is so humble and so willing to give up anything for Him. She is amazing & also still coming to church and LOVIN IT wooohooo #golden  ðŸ¤©please keep her in your prayers

- MY TRAINER CAME BACK AND VISITED THE MISSION!! It was so good to see Sister Kersey again! Love you! 

- exchanges with Sister Rupert! We saw SOO many miracles! ✨️

- this guy ran out of his apartment because he saw us coming and yells super aggressively "ARE YOU GUYS MORMONS?" definitely thought we were about to get bashed but then he was like "i knew it. I could tell just by looking at you. You guys have a light." Then he turned around and when back into his house. He closed the door as i yelled back inviting him to church. ðŸ¤¯

- has SUCH a good lesson with Caren and Steven, our friends from Kenya! God is just so good

- we made a new friend jenny!! She was a referral and has so many questions and genuinely wants to learn more. I love everett AH!! So many good people here ðŸ’Œ

- The quote from the title of this email comes from Sister Shin ahaha she got introduced to Taco Bell on exchanges and now she just goes around saying "taco bell is fire" to everyoneee. So funny

- Sister Shins english is improving so much!! She's amazing and I'm so grateful to be her companion


I can truly feel all the prayers that have been said for me this past week. Thank you so much ðŸ¤Ÿ I have the best supportive system and I am so grateful. 

I love you all! Have a great week!

- Sister Bell


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