Island girl (week 19)

 Hiii everyone !! This was a super crazy week.... we had transfers and I got transferred out of mount vernon:( I was so sad to leave because I had only been there for 6 weeks but I had a really cool experience that testified to me that I did what the Lord needed me to do there. I'm so grateful for my time there and all the amazing people I met

Nowwww I'm in ANACORTES !!!! YOU GUYS it is the most beautiful place... holy. The pictures dont do it justice. Come visit and see for yourself, you wont regret it. I live about 3 minutes from the ferry terminal and am over all the san juan island branches as well!! We have an apartment on the islands so we get to go out and stay a couple days there at a time. I feel so grateful to be serving the Lord here. My comp is Sister Boris and she is awesome. Shes from Texas and a triplet!! We are whitewashing again which is exciting but also stressful. Definitely takes a lot of time to adjust and meet everyone but its getting better!!

- not a highlight but I said bye to some of my best friends this week:( so proud of them for finishing their missions!
- anacortes christmas tree lighting in the pouring rain
- have been inviting SO many people to church for the christmas season and its so fun
- we are serving with a senior couple and they are the best.... its like i get to go to my grandmas house all the time
- went to fort casey today ahhhhhh so fun
- HIT 5 MONTHS woohoo
- saw so many pretty views
- the people here are so nice

I'm running out of time but Jesus loves you and have a good week everyoneee!! Sorry just throwing a bunch of pics in so their might be doubles I havent even looked at them lol
- Sister Bell

30 Nov 2023 

 Dear Sister Bell,

 Sister Oakes and I are so grateful for your willingness to accept the assignment to serve as Sister Training Leader in the Washington Everett Mission. This assignment to have you serve as a leader in the mission is a direct result of your faithful obedience and service as a missionary. Please know that we spend much time pondering each leadership assignment and praying for confirmation of the person we feel is to be called, and we have received that confirmation about your assignment. 

WA Everett Mission


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