100 (week 57)

 What's up everyone

My week was good! Lots of highs and lows. Here are some highlights

- President Nelsons 100th birthday!!!🎉 I'm so grateful for prophets and especially President Nelson! I find so much comfort in knowing that I can safely trust in his guidance and council because it comes from the Lord. He is truly a prophet called of God

- got to help President Oakes and the APs with the transfer board this week!! The spirit was so strong. It was so cool to see how everything just works out exactly the way God needs it to. He has a plan for each and every one of His missionaries. This is truly His work and we go where He wants us to go 🤍 I witnessed that this week in our meeting! 

- a member fed us squid for dinner 🥴 I successfully gagged it down 🦑

- waxed some elders eyebrows for pday today hahaha 

- exchanges with sister bradbury!! I loveee her

- elder carlsons bday woot woot 🥳

- did a blitz with our zone! I went with Sister Pettit and we had sooo many amazing contacts, it was so cool to see miracle after miracle ✨

- the transfer ends this week, and time is going by way too fast :(( I only have 2 transfers left whaaat


Time is low but this is your reminder to go read the Book of Mormon :)) this book changes lives and it has changed mine

ALSO please pray for our friend Paula! Shes going through some things rn 🙏

Have a good week!

- Sister Bell


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