Last week in the mtc ahh

 Hey everyone!! Just finished another amazing week being a missionary. My time at the mtc is almost over... and I fly out to Washington on FRIDAY MORNING AHH!!! Literally like 3 days away what. I swear I just got here. I have seriously LOVED the mtc!!!!!! I'm feeling really excited and really really nervous about leaving and getting out into the field... but ready or not here I go haha

My district has become like family to me. All 14 of us do everythinggg together and it's such a blast. Me and my companion are the only ones going to Washington so it's going to break my heart saying goodbye to them this week:(
-Sister Hughes yelling "amen" in the middle of the prayer because she thought it was over
-Playing missionary tag on wet grass... im shoked no one got hurt but there were a lot of good face plants
-we had a substitute teacher named Mayo
-found a zac efron pillow in our residence hall. Best day ever
-singing Jesus wants me for a sunbeam for our opening hymn
-The spirit was so strong in the lesson we taught yesterday and our friend we were teaching started crying!! Such a cool moment
I just found out that my mission will be one of the first to start fully implementing a new curriculum with the new preach my gospel starting the day I get there! I get a physical copy of the new pmg my first day there which i am STOKED about!
We got to go to the temple twice this week!!! For real my favorite place on earth. I seriously have the deepest love for the temple and it just keeps growing!!! Recently we've been talking and studying a lot about covenants and the importance of them. Going to the temple with this in mind made it really special for me to reflect on the promises I've made with God. Temple ordinances truly lead to THE GREATEST blessings and these are available through the atonement of Jesus Christ. I'm so grateful for these covenants that help us stay on the path to returning back to God! 
Go to the temple!!! You wont ever regret it!! :)
-Sister Bell


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